Here are some random old pics from when camera still worked that i will toss up!
Here was one of the zillions of identical Scraggle dogs that i had mentioned earlier
Seven full minutos pass by with a big hairy slippery sea lion of a
man, squeaking and sliding across the tub in a fit to get the nob to
turn. My host family started asking, what sounded like, concerned
questiones, before i finally was able to get a tight enough grip on
the knob by using my two elbows as a sort of vice grip.
My brand new still camera broke which is very sad, apparently
water/shock/heat/ice proof doesn't mean sand proof. So i guess you
won't be able to get many cool pictures to see up on the blog for at
least a while.
tomorrow we go up to a volcano up to 15,000 feet where it is snowing!